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Meet the Past Young Investigator’s Event

Over the years, the foundation has funded meaningful research resulting in progress and discoveries that have helped advance the fight against cancer. The research could not have been possible without help from people like you.

True to our founder’s vision of providing seed money to promising young scientists, we presently strive to address a central funding problem facing researchers. Without presenting data that shows their research has promise, young scientists are unable to apply for major grants. However, researchers cannot gather the required data without money to support their initial research. The Foundation has demonstrated the significant leverage and opportunity that relatively modest grants can have through funding young investigators.

We invite you to join us at Outcome Health on Wednesday, May 17th as we host a fireside chat with three cancer research scientists who were funded by the Cancer Research Foundation’s Young Investigator Award. We’ll explore the motivations, inspirations of the researcher’s work and the impact of their pursuit for groundbreaking discoveries in cancer science.